Copper Bottle

The intrinsic worth of storing water in premium copper water bottle lies in the fact that copper creates a natural purification procedure where it kills microorganisms present in the water; it also gets rid of moulds, fungi, bacteria, and algae. Copper bottles also add copper’s qualities to water. It neutralizes any toxins present in the water. Drinking with copper bottles prevents water-borne diseases. It keeps our digestive system healthy. It also regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland. has water bottles of various sizes and designs to suit your style and needs.

How to use your Copper Bottle:

To make copper water, pour water in the copper vessel and leave it overnight. When water is kept for a specific time in the copper vessel, it kills the undesirable bacteria and viruses and the resultant water gets charged with the health benefiting qualities of the copper. Drink it as soon as you get up in the morning. 

  • It is recommended to drink the water at room temperature. The copper vessel should not be stored in the fridge. Copper darkens naturally over a period.
  • Copper is known to be more effective in killing harmful bacteria than others, e.g. Stainless steel or aluminium. Storing water only for about three hours in a copper tumbler can kill harmful bacteria.
  • Drinking a glass of room temperature water washes the gastrointestinal tract, flushes the kidneys, and stimulates peristalsis (peristalsis is a series of wave-like muscle contractions that moves food to different processing stations in the digestive tract).
  • Copper is a good tonic for the liver, spleen, and lymphatic system and helps in curing anaemia. The health benefits of copper include proper growth, utilization of iron, enzymatic reactions, connective tissues, hair, eyes, aging, and energy production.


1. Slows down ageing

Copper is a natural remember for the appearance of fine lines on your face. Packed with very strong anti-oxidant and cell forming properties, copper fights off free radicals, one of the main reasons for the formation of fine lines.

 2. Boosts skin health and melanin production

Copper is the main component in the production of melanin (a pigment that mitigates the colour of your eyes, hair and skin) in our bodies. Apart from that copper also aids in the production of new cells that help replenish the top most layers of your skin leaving you with smooth and supple skin.

 3. May assist weight loss

Copper helps your body break down fat and eliminates it more efficiently, thereby, helping your body keep only what it will use and throw out the rest. It also helps to fine tune your digestive system to perform more effectively and efficiently by stimulating peristalsis (the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the stomach that helps food get digested and move along the digestive tract)

 4. Copper has anti-bacterial properties

Copper is known to be oligodynamic in nature (the sterilizing effect of metals on bacteria), and can destroy bacteria very effectively. It is especially effective against E.coli and S.aureus, two bacteria that are commonly found in our environment and known to cause severe illnesses in the human body.

 5. It is anti-inflammatory

Copper has very potent anti-inflammatory properties. This asset is especially great to relieve aches and pains caused due to inflamed joints – like in the case of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Apart from that, copper also has bone and immune system strengthening properties, making it the perfect remedy for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

How to use your Copper Bottle:

To get the most benefit from your copper bottle fill it up the night before and let the water sit in it overnight. Drink in the morning.

 How to care for your Copper Bottle:

Our Copper Bottles are Pure Copper and no two are exactly the same. (That means there may be slight bumps and bends – it’s what makes them unique!)

You will also find that with use the Copper will patina. That is completely normal (and natural!) and the best way to clean it and restore to its natural shine is to wipe down with lemon juice and water.

How to introduce your copper products to as many people as possible?

Now a days no one have time to visit physically for getting their stuffs. Everyone is addicted with social sites and ecommerce or informative websites. So if you thinking like you grow your business by depending on your products and its quality is as hard as counting a star in the sky.

  • You all need a brand logo to provide a unique identity to your business in this competitor market. (click here to design your logo)
  • After that you have a digital platform that means a responsive website where you display your products and details. So people get all the information easily from your website. (click here to build your website)
  • Now you have to do a digital marketing or social media marketing of your products on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. You have to post an attractive poster with meaningful content, related key words and contact details, which helps to boost your business growth. (click here for social media marketing)

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